Friday, June 10, 2011

Grad School

There are many things I love about being in grad school - learning incredible information, having stellar professors, seeing Jordyn Gehret every single day.  But the one thing that I do not love about grad school is the amount of time it takes away from my ability to blog.  I think I am going to have to start blogging once a week on Sunday afternoons.  I am sad about this because I enjoy blogging - but when I prioritize based on what I need to do vs. what I want to do...relaxing and blogging come after school.  Oh prioritization.  This is only for a season though, and what a season this shall be  =)

I do need to get to studying....but before that, there is a book I would like to recommend - I think I am going to get it.  My friend John and his wife Anne Marie gave this book to a good friend of ours that does not like to cook.  The book is The $7 a Meal Healthy Cookbook.  It has 301 nutritious, delicious recipes that the whole family will love - all $7.00 and under!!! I am very excited about this book and I look forward to making some recipes from it!  

OK, study time.  

"If we had no winder, the spring would not be so pleasant:  if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." 
Anne Bradstreet, British Poet. 

1 comment:

  1. Mel, Thanks for the comment on my oven roasted potatoes. Here's the thing..Don't beat yourself up because you can't cook. I got married in l966 and couldn't cook either. After being married for 3 or 4 months I answered the door one day and the UPS man had a package for me. When I opened it I found 12 cookbooks from Better Homes and Gardens. It was a small hint from my husband to get creative. Little did he know he created a monster. I read the books from cover to cover and started cooking from them right away. He always said if you can follow a recipe you can cook, but really that is not true. I consider the recipe a road map and if you take a turn off the road you can still get there in the end. I think being able to add your own touch is really the key. My daughter says I am good cook because I know a good recipe when I see it. Well, the monster my husband created has collected more than 2,000 cookbooks and I have read them all. It also got me into the food world. I have edited a fund raising cookbook that raised $100,000, catered, taught cooking classes for 20 years in gourmet food stores,had a local TV cooking show for 8 years. All in all....when first married I could not cook either. Practice makes perfect. I applaud you for giving it your best shot and browseing the food blogs is a very good way. There are so many good ones out there. I plan to keep the recipes coming. Let's keep in wrote my first comment. THANK YOU Mayby email would be a good way to stay in touch. I am at Now, I am going to go have a look at your blog!
